Tips to Feel Safe When Living Alone

a woman looks out her window

There are many advantages to living alone, one of the most noticeable is that you have your own space and freedom to live the way you want.

Despite the benefits, living alone also comes with concerns related to your personal safety and the security of your house. As a result, you may be wondering how to stay safe when living alone, which is why we’ve put together a checklist to help you learn the dos and don’ts of living alone.

1. Get a Security System

Security systems are no longer reserved for upscale suburban homes. EMC Security offers affordable, budget-friendly security systems that are perfect for homes, apartments, and condominiums. Homeowners who select a wireless system don’t have to drill holes in their walls. Additionally, wireless home security systems are extremely easy to install, and when you are ready to move, you can take your system with you.

2. Get to Know Your Neighbors

When you live alone, getting to know your neighbors could be a very good idea, so listen to your gut and introduce yourself to those who seem trustworthy. Establishing a relationship with elderly couples and other women who live alone may be a good start. It’s not necessary that you become best friends but having a neighbor to turn to, whether it is to borrow milk or to ask for help during a crisis, will go a long way toward helping you feel comfortable living alone, which is why it’s important to make an effort to be friendly for the sake of safety. Ultimately, your neighbors may be your best asset in times of need and will be more willing to assist a friend than they are to help out a total stranger.

3. Get Key Smart

If you lose a key or it goes missing, it may be a good idea to call a locksmith to switch your locks, and depending on where you can last remember having them, it may be absolutely necessary to change your locks. For example, the last place you remember having your keys is a public place, the risk that they could be found by a stranger is high, therefore the greater precautions you should take with your locks. Changing the locks is preferable in situations like these rather than simply rekeying the existing lock.

4. Create an Exit Strategy

If an emergency occurs, such as a fire, a home invasion, or a natural disaster, it’s important to have an exit plan. If you are forced to be out of your home for a few days, know whom you can stay with until you can return home. Include your friends in the plan, so they will be ready to support you when needed.

5. Stay Offline

Announcing your adventures while on your dream vacation can be tempting but it’s usually not a good idea to share such info online. “Don’t help draw attention to the fact that you’re out of town, live alone, or that you’re going out for the evening because you never know who might see it.

6. Think Like an Intruder

One way to feel safer when living alone is to try to adopt the mindset of a thief. Take a walk around your home and check doors, peer into windows, and see if there are areas where you can improve security to make your home less appealing to intruders. Remove any shrubs or large objects that might make for great hiding places for any would-be burglars. Does anything stand out to you that would make it easy for thieves to want to target your home? Can you see high-value items, such as computers or televisions in the window from the street?

Following these steps can help you identify and correct problems related to your home that could make you an easy target.

7. Turn on the Lights

Few things that deter intruders the way lights do. Motion-sensor lights are low-cost and work well to shine a spotlight on would-be burglars or other intruders. By installing a few near your home’s entrances, you can add another line of defense to your place without spending a lot of time and money.

You can also use apps and smart devices to create a schedule for your home’s interior lights to turn off and on. Whether you’re planning to be away for a few days or are nervous at night, setting your lights to a timer makes it look like someone is home and awake.

8. Install a Doorbell Camera

Most home invasions occur during the daytime but a smart doorbell can help create the illusion that you’re at home even when you’re away. These modern home security devices are usually simple to install and very affordable. Most smart doorbells offer live video streaming, remote viewing apps, and two-way communication that lets you view and speak to whoever is at your door. These features provide an extra layer of security against break-ins and also help protect you from a home invasion or other violent home attack. Long gone are the days of having to get up and peer through the peephole — these doorbells allow you to see visitors from wherever you feel safest.


Living independently has its perks, but it can also put you at risk. Would-be home invaders are always looking for easy targets, and the fewer people that live in a home, the easier it is to get in unnoticed. Living alone can be scary but with the right precautions, you should have nothing to worry about. Trust your instincts and use your common sense. If you don’t feel comfortable or fear you might be in danger, get help!