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Security System Questions
Do I have to register my alarm system?
Certain municipalities in Georgia require home security system users to obtain an alarm registration/user permit. If you fail to do so, the municipality could delay or refuse to dispatch emergency personnel and/or assess you with fines. View info for your county here.
Where can I view my system manual?
View this page for a list of the most common security system manuals.
Where can I purchase a replacement battery?
You can order a battery from EMC Security here.
How can I add monitored fire protection to my system
Fire protection through EMC Security is a simple addition to your comprehensive alarm monitoring service. Adding smoke or heat detectors to your home security system may very well be the best decision you make when it comes to the safety and security of your loved ones. Our 24/7 monitoring center team is technically trained to handle the detection of a fire in a way that minimizes its effect. Faster detection results in faster emergency response times.
Your monthly monitoring cost doesn’t change when you add fire protection to your security system. Contact EMC Security to purchase smoke/heat detectors for your home at 770-963-0305. We also can send a security specialist to your home to determine the placement of the detectors in your home.
Account Information Questions
What do I need in order to update the name on my account?
When you signed up with EMC Security, the account was set up for the account holder(s). Whoever the account holder is who signed all the documentation is responsible for the account.
If there have been any legal changes with your name, due to changes such as a divorce or a marriage, then we will need a copy of the divorce decree or marriage certificate along with your verbal password in order to make the proper changes to the account. You may submit this information by email to or by fax to 770-963-1952. Once we receive this information we will send you the new documentation to sign to complete the update of the account.
What if I am the account holder and I want to update my password or numbers?
Please contact our office. A member of our support team will then update your information with our monitoring center.
What if the account holder is deceased but we want to keep the service?
If the EMC Security account holder is deceased and you would like to keep the service active, you will need to send us a copy of the death certificate. We will then send you new paperwork to update the account into your name. Once we receive those documents the account will be updated.
If you wish to cancel the service, we will need to provide a copy of the death certificate, along with the verbal password (if you have access) along with the cancellation date. Please contact our office at 770-963-0305 to speak with the Cancellations Department. You will need to provide the account number, verify the password and select a date for cancellation.
What if I am moving and I need to cancel service at my old home and establish new service at my new home?
If you are moving and need to establish new service at your new home, we are happy to assist you and make it an easy process for you. Simply contact our office at 770-963-0305 to speak with a live agent in the Cancellations Department. You will need to provide your account number and verify the password. You will also be able to select an appointment date to end service at your old home, as well as select a service date at your new home.
How do I get an insurance certificate?
Many insurance companies offer discounts if you have a monitored security system in your home. Click here to request a certificate to be emailed to you.
Billing Questions
Why is my billing quarterly? I thought I signed up for $16.95/month?
All EMC Security billing is set up on a quarterly (3 month
) basis. Monthly billing only applies to those with existing Jackson EMC, Walton EMC, Greystone Power, Habersham EMC, and Blue Ridge Mountain EMC accounts in good standing.
Why does my invoice say “due upon receipt”? When is it actually due?
Each invoice is due upon receipt. Your EMC Security invoice should be paid as soon as it is received each month in order to ensure timely and proper processing of your payment before the next billing cycle therefore ensuring no late fees for delinquent payment are incurred.
How do I pay my bill online?
Click this link to our payment portal where you can view invoices and pay your bill via credit card or bank account. View guided instructions here.
Can I set-up auto-pay?
Yes. Call our office at 770-963-0305 for auto-pay.
Monitoring Questions
How is my security system monitored?
With our Secure Path™ monitoring architecture, your alarm signal is sent simultaneously to multiple, separately staffed, UL listed, CSAA Five-Diamond Certified central stations, where a highly trained operator will always be available to offer assistance in an emergency.
Other companies utilize a single command center that requires rerouting in the event the first center is busy or otherwise disabled, wasting time and creating unnecessary risk. With EMC Security, your home and loved ones are protected with assistance in an average of 14 seconds.
I’ve dropped my phone line, what should I do? How does this affect my system?
If you have dropped your phone line, it is possible that your system may no longer be communicating with us. Some systems may or may not include a backup method of communication. If you are not sure if your system is communicating properly, please contact our Monitoring Center at 888-745-4733 to apply a test signal. There are several alternative communication methods to a phone line that may also save you money. Please contact our sales department at 770-963-0305 between 8a-6p for more details.
Why am I receiving automated calls regarding trouble on my security system. What are these calls about? Why are we getting these?
EMC Security recently upgraded their monitoring center communication system to ensure our customers are informed of potential system problems. The newly released IVR (Interactive Voice Response) system will automatically call customer-supplied contact phone numbers when a system trouble condition is reported from the customer’s alarm system. The IVR system will play a pre-recorded message to alert you of a possible trouble condition and provide steps to contact the EMC Security monitoring center for more information.
What happens if I cancel the alarm at the keypad?
It is important to familiarize yourself with EMC Security’s dispatch pocedures for intrusion, fire, medical and panic/duress. View dispatch procedures >