Sandy Springs False Alarm Ordinance Updates

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The City of Sandy Springs passed an update to their false alarm ordinance.

As of June 19, 2019, in the event of an intrusion alarm signal, Sandy Springs Police will require video, audio, or in-person verification of an actual event before dispatching an authority to your home.

EMC Security is compliant with all Sandy Springs ordinance requirements. Is your provider? Click here to check the Sandy Springs fine report.

City officials are in the process of communicating the change to all homeowners and businesses in Sandy Springs. We encourage everyone to learn more at Please make note of the fines for false alarms, including those for calls into the 911 center without the appropriate verification. View the video below for more information.

In order for EMC Security or any provider to continue to provide emergency dispatch on behalf of a Sandy Springs resident or business, a true verification system must be used. Citizens and/or alarm companies have 24 hours to provide video or audio clips (to verify an actual intrusion event) to the 911 Center.

We are committed to providing more protection choices and flexibility so our Sandy Springs customers can protect their homes and families while meeting the requirements of the new ordinance.

EMC Security service options include:

OPTION 1: Customer Verification and Dispatch

Provides smart-phone notification of an alarm condition to our customers. Our customers can then take action, up to and including contacting authorities. This basic notification service will make no provision for EMC Security to dispatch for any alarm signal on behalf of the customer.

OPTION 2: Customer Verification with EMC Security Dispatch

Includes full-service monitoring of fire alarm, personal emergency panic and silent hold-up signals from the home. Notification of homeowner and contacts by our central station will be provided for other alarm conditions, including all intrusion signals, but will not include police dispatch.

OPTION 3: EMC Security Verification and Dispatch

Full service including monitoring and dispatch services on all fire alarm, personal emergency, and silent alarm duress signals, and will include police dispatch on true verified alarms.