How Home Security Systems Tip the Odds in Your Favor

Oct 17, 2024 | Homeowner Tips

Imagine you’re a burglar, casing a neighborhood for an easy target. Which house are you going to skip? The one with the barking dog? Maybe. The one with the nosy neighbor? Possibly. But the one with the obvious security system? Absolutely.

Let’s talk about why…

Burglars are Choosy:  Think of burglars as opportunistic predators, constantly scanning for the easiest prey. They’re not interested in a challenging heist; they want a quick and quiet in-and-out operation. That’s where your home security system comes into play.

The “No Thanks” List: Studies show that a staggering 60-83% of burglars actively check for security systems and cameras before even attempting a break-in. Your alarm system, cameras, and even those simple window stickers send a clear message: “Not an easy target!

EMC Security has countless examples of customers telling us that an intruder attempted to break-in but when the alarm sounded, they fled.  

Flipping the Script: Imagine the burglar’s mindset. They’re casing your neighborhood, weighing their options. They see your house with visible security and another house without. Which one are they more likely to bypass?

The numbers tell the story: 40-60% of burglars admit they would avoid a home altogether if they spotted a security system.

The “Unwelcome Mat” Effect: Beyond the statistics, there’s the psychological impact. Security systems create a sense of unease for burglars, disrupting their plans and increasing the perceived risk of getting caught. Suddenly, your home isn’t just a potential target; it’s a potential trap.

EMC Security customers use their cameras as the first line of defense – catching the criminal on film.  The powerhouse security alarm then takes over and becomes the defender at the door.  

More Than Meets the Eye: Alarms and cameras are the obvious deterrents, but other security measures can also play a role. Motion-activated lights, smart locks, and even the simple act of keeping your yard well-maintained send signals that you’re a vigilant homeowner.

Don’t let your home be an easy target. Secure your peace of mind today – get a free quote for a personalized home security system!