How Do Glass Break Sensors Work?

How Do Glass Break Sensors Work?

How Do Glass Break Sensors Work? Glass breaks can be an important addition to your home security system. Glass breaks are sensors that detect the sound frequency and percussion of glass breaking and send the signal to your home security system to activate the alarm....
Say “No” to Auto-Renewals

Say “No” to Auto-Renewals

Say “No” to Auto-Renewals Have you ever sign up for a subscription or on-going service and then get surprised by a renewal charge that shows up on your credit card bill weeks later? Have you gotten discouraged when you can’t figure out how to cancel? Or...
Dog vs Security System

Dog vs Security System

Dog vs Security System One of the reasons why people think they don’t need or want a security system is because they have a dog.  It’s hard to defend against a beloved dog, especially one that looks like the one in the photo above.  But there are many...
The EMC Security Difference

The EMC Security Difference

The EMC Security Difference The number 1 question people ask is:  What makes EMC Security different than other companies?   1. No Contracts! It should be no surprise that the biggest difference is that we don’t require a monthly service contract.  You can...