Why You Should Upgrade to Cellular Home Security Your home security system has three options to communicate with your monitoring service provider, such as EMC Security. Those options are landline, Wi-Fi, and cellular. While each connection type will provide you with...
According to The Verge, an American technology website, approximately 40 percent of U.S. homes have given up their landlines in exchange for cell phones, a statistic cited from the federal government’s National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). In previous years,...
Can EMC Security Monitor My Security System? More homes than ever before have pre-installed security systems, or the home is pre-wired and ready for security equipment to be installed. This begs the question that is often confusing to consumers, “Do I have to...
No Contract Required What’s the big deal about a security contract? Think about this scenario: You hired a company to provide you service on a monthly basis. You have technology in your home that needs to work, and you are placing your trust in fellow human...
Prices are Rising Everywhere so EMC Security is the Better Choice The reality of the world-wide microchip shortage, global labor shortage and other supply chain disruptions has manufacturers – from consumer electronics and appliances to automobiles and...
Protect Your Rural Property A few years ago a friend told me, “I don’t need security, I don’t even have to lock my doors way out here.” Fast forward to 2021, their large barn with thousands of dollars of equipment and family valuables was broken into, and my friend...
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