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Traditional Doorbell vs Smart Doorbell

There have been incredible technological advancements within the market of smart security products in recent years and if you are looking to upgrade your front door security with a new doorbell you might be considering whether you should choose a traditional doorbell or a new video doorbell with smart technology.
Sure, a conventional doorbell does exactly what you’d expect in to do – alerts you to the fact that someone is at your front door. By contrast, a video doorbell does the same thing but gives you the advantage of not having to be in your home to see and hear the person knocking at your door.
With a smart video doorbell, you can easily connect your video doorbell to the rest of your home security system. You’ll be able to see whether a package has been delivered, look out at night on the live camera feed it you hear a noise from in bed, and check in on your property and front door security when you are at work or on holiday.
If you would like to find out more about smart doorbells and smart security products, please feel free to contact our friendly team of home security experts today at 770.963.0305 or visit us at .