
Warning About Alarm Monitoring

Many alarm monitoring companies, including large national companies allow central alarm station operators to work from their homes, apartments or even college housing dorms to monitor customers for life safety events.  Seems almost unbelievable, but it is a fact. A...

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North Georgia Football

North Georgia Football

What do offensive linemen and EMC Security have in common? Answer: We protect what's most important. That’s right, when it comes to protection, we’re both experts at keeping the bad guys at bay. So, in the spirit of our commonality, we’ve partnered with 97.9 FM and...

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Georgia School Bus Law

Georgia School Bus Law

Many school systems have opted for online learning this fall.  But there are also many districts that have offered in-school learning - so buses will be on the roads once again. It’s important for people to realize how dangerous it can be at bus stops, which is why...

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Home Security Rates Increasing?

Home Security Rates Increasing?

The reality of the world-wide microchip shortage, global labor shortage and other supply chain disruptions has manufacturers - from consumer electronics and appliances to automobiles and industrial capabilities -  in a bind trying to fulfill demand.  Simple economics...

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EMC Security Can Activate Your Security System

EMC Security Can Activate Your Security System

More homes than ever before have pre-installed security systems, or the home is pre-wired and ready for security equipment to be installed.  This begs the question that is often confusing to consumers, "Do I have to use the company that installed the equipment to...

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Google and Alexa Security Controls

Google and Alexa Security Controls

EMC Security's newest wireless systems, Connect+, give customers the convenience to arm and disarm the system using Alexa or Google Home.   How to use Amazon Alexa with Connect+ The Alula Alexa Security Skill allows users to operate the Connect+ security system with...

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Mobile Emergency Alert FAQ’s

Mobile Emergency Alert FAQ’s

What makes Belle different from other mobile personal emergency response systems? Belle users can do what they love, with the confidence of knowing they can press one button to get help at home and away, anywhere in the US where there is AT&T 3G coverage.  Belle...

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