Easy Wins Aren’t an Option Here: Deter Burglars with These Tips

Oct 3, 2024 | Homeowner Tips

Burglars are always looking for easy targets. They want to get in and out quickly without being caught. If you make your home a hard target, they’ll be more likely to move on to someone else’s house.

Below are some tips for making your home a fortress against burglars:
  • Install a security system. A monitored alarm system is a great deterrent to burglars. It will make them think twice about breaking into your home. Stats show a home without a security system is 3 times MORE likely to be burglarized.
  • Get security cameras.  Security cameras can help you deter burglars and also help you identify them if they do break in.


  • Install motion-activated lights. Motion-activated lights will scare off burglars and also help you see if someone is trying to break into your home at night.
  • Make sure your doors and windows are secure. All of your doors and windows should be made of strong materials and should be properly locked.
  • Create the illusion that you are home. If you are going to be away from home for a while, leave some lights on and set a timer to turn on and off the TV or radio. You can also ask a neighbor to check on your house and collect your mail.
  • Get a dog. Even a small dog can be a deterrent to burglars. Dogs bark and make noise, which will scare off burglars.
  • Keep your valuables out of sight. Don’t leave your valuables lying around where burglars can see them. Put them in a safe place or lock them up.
  • Get to know your neighbors. Having good relationships with your neighbors can help deter burglars. If you know your neighbors, you can look out for each other’s homes.

By following these tips, you can make your home a fortress against burglars. They will see that your home is a hard target and they will move on to someone else’s house.

Additional tips:
  • Trim your bushes and trees. This will help to make your home more visible from the street and will make it less likely that a burglar will be able to hide.
  • Keep your yard clean and tidy. This will also help to make your home more visible from the street and will make it less likely that a burglar will be able to hide.
  • Install a fence. A fence can help to deter burglars and also help to keep your children and pets safe.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and to trust your gut instinct. If you feel like something is not right, it probably is. Don’t be afraid to call the police if you see something suspicious.

Take the first step to protect your home and loved ones. Get a free security consultation now at 770-963-0305 or click below.